port config & socket call -- long msg but enough info

  1. I installed wM6.0 assigning 6899 as port, with wM4.1 already there(6849). When I tried to start the broker from NT service, neither 4.1 nor 6.0 works. I got error meg. coming back after I did broker_ping

C:\webMethods6\Broker\bin>broker_ping localhost
Unable to open connection to host ‘localhost’. Error ‘java.net.ConnectException
: Connection refused: connect’ was reported by the socket call.

C:\wment41\bin>broker_ping localhost
Unable to open connection to host ‘localhost’. Error ‘java.net.ConnectException: C
onnection refused: no further information’ was reported by the socket call.

  1. I tried these two ports by running server/client socket programe, I got msg. below: (do they look fine?)

C:\javatry\socket>Java Server
Connection acccepted: Socket[addr=localhost/,port=1134,localport=6849]
Echoing:howdy 0
Echoing:howdy 1
Echoing:howdy 2
Echoing:howdy 3
Echoing:howdy 4
Echoing:howdy 5
Echoing:howdy 6
Echoing:howdy 7
Echoing:howdy 8
Echoing:howdy 9
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException
at SServer.main(SServer.java, Compiled Code)

C:\javatry\socket>java SClient
addr = localhost/
socket = Socket[addr=localhost/,port=6849,localport=1134]
howdy 0
howdy 1
howdy 2
howdy 3
howdy 4
howdy 5
howdy 6
howdy 7
howdy 8
howdy 9

  1. Then, if I tried to configue the two ports by using server_config, I got different results.

C:\webMethods6\Broker\bin>server_config update c:\webmethods6\broker\data\wmbrok
ers60\default\ -p 6899
Error: The Broker Server configuration file “c:\webmethods6\broker\data\wmbroker
s60\default\awbroker.cfg” is not accessible:

C:\webMethods6\Broker\bin>server_config update c:\webmethods6\broker\data\wmbrok
ers60\default\ -p 6849
Error: The Broker Server configuration file “c:\webmethods6\broker\data\wmbroker
s60\default\awbroker.cfg” is not accessible:
Error: Port number choice 6849 which reserves ports 6848 and 6847 as well,
is conflicting with the Broker Server in “c:\active41\data\awbrokers\default”, w
hich is reserving
ports 6847, 6848 and 6849.
Please specify a different port number.

Does anybody has any idea? Thanks in advance.

forgot to say, in step 2), I tried 6899 and got similar result as I tried on 6849.