Hello Gurus,
After months of soul searching, we finally convinced all the stake holders that it is better to upgrade all our existing 6.1 WM integrations to 7.1.2 version.
As a pilot, we have selected some simple JDBC integrations to upgrade it to 7x platform.
But during the process, we were suggested to first migrate/test the packages i.e (adapter connection, adapter services, notifications) to 6.5 IS and then try to migrate it to 7x platform.
I am really confused abt this approach from 6.1 to 6.5 to 7.1.2. Can anyone shed some light on whether this approach is required or anyone faced any issues with directly migrating the packages to 7x platform.
Existing IS:6.1 IS_6-1_SP2
Existing JDBC adapter:6.0.3 JCA spec: 1.0
Target 7.1.2 IS and JDBC adapter.
Any hints/Tips will be helpful.