PGP in different environments


I’m using a PGP connector that I created to decrypt the files my client is sending me. It works perfectly fine in the TEST environment where I first tried it. But when I try to replicate it in the DEV environment (same private and public keys) I have the message that the parameters could’t be retrieved. I tried everything: exporting my test flow service and importing it in the dev env, deleting and recreating the connector… nothing works. Is it possible that a PGP can only be used in one enviroment at once ? I saw in other iPaas, like Boomy, where if you don’t choose the environments when creating the key, it’s just going to work in the environment where you created it. I also read that it’s liked to one server.
I’m using the latest version of If anyone has an answer, I’m glad to hear it.

Thank you !!


hi @karen.ld ,
I dont think PGP has any limittaions to the environment usage.
the beahviour looks verys strange.Is it possible to share the deails.
I can verify in one of my tenants.

Also It would be great if you can raise the support incident for it.

Vikash Sharma

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