Passing a webpagebs form input to a string document

Is there a way to pass a webpage’s input value directly to a flow service’s document of strings? Currently the input values are seen as standalone strings in the flow service when the webpage invoke the flow service. Currently the flow service input is a canonical document of strings containing those string variables expected from the webpage. Instead of having to change the input/output section of the flow service to having standalone string variables, what is the method to pass the webpage data to the string document?



I would not mind creating a wrapper service that would have single standing variables calling the actual existing service with document input by mapping the individual variables to document strings.

But in case you get a better approach, let me know. It would be good.


Hello KY,

you can take a look at the service-test.dsp in the wmRoot package. This page is doing what you want. Maybe you can use it as a template.
