Package working in one server but not running in another server.


I m facing a strange sitution here:
I have devoloped a package which publishes a document and is working fine in the server in which i have developed. But it throws error when i migrate it to different server.

Has anyone experinced this issue…:confused:



It would be infinitely helpful if you posted what the error is.


The error I m getting in TEST server is Null pointer exception for the service : pub.String.Tokenize.

This flow service is working fine in the IS in which i have developed the integeration. However when i run this in TEST Server i get null pointer exception. The service pack in both the server is the same.



When stepping through the service that is calling pub.sting:tokenize, have you confirmed that data is being passed to tokenize?


Yes i m 100% sure that data is being passed to to the tokenize service …infact i have put null or blank check before passing it to tokenize service… the surprising thing is that it works in the server i have developed but fails to run in ther TEST server.

One more thing i would like to add …this Service in the TEST server always fails with all set of data which runs perfectly in my IS.
Thanx and Regards
