I’ve inherited this existing wM Installation and am not completely sure of many processes happening in it.
We have a current issue in our UAT environment message as follows:
“Task m105ro00dr23ue8i000000t6 failed at Dec 2, 2019 2:35:08 PM: Probable reason for failure - Delivery service for m105ro00dr23ue8i000000t6 failed with a status of fail and status message of com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Server chose TLSv1, but that protocol version is not enabled or not supported by the client…”
Client is on TLSv1, but our UAT Environment is sending out on TSLv1.2. How do I change the protocol of the invoices that we send out ??
Provide the current value for watt.net.useJSSE as TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2 are only available when running on Java 7 and newer and have useJSSE set to true.
Check in Empower for KB article related to POODLE to see if your wM version can handle this and which Fixes are required for that.
During TLS Handschake the server and the client should start with TLS v1.2, and if this does not succeed, then going down to TLS v1.1 and finally TLS v1.0.
Looks like the Server is not accepting the TLS v1.0 any longer when you are the client or vice versa.
Additionally you should set strongCipherOnly to true for more security.