OPC UA address space update

Hi Community,
please see my question below.

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?

Backend: 1011.0.12
UI: 1010.0.24

Are you using a free trial or a product with a customer license?


What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

I have an OPC-UA communication from a PLC to the tenant.

When the address space is changing (because of changes of the PLC), at the moment I don’t have a good solution to update the address space on the OPC-UA server @tenant.

The only way I know how to do is to delete the OPC-UA server and create a new one.

Is this supposed to be like this?

Thank you
BR Manfred

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Hi Manfred,
it is possible to trigger scanning the address space again by creating an operation:
See “Scanning the address space” in: OPC UA - Cumulocity IoT Guides

Currently you would need e.g. Postman to perform the related API call to create the operation.
Additionally it is also possible to only scan the address space partially.

Regards Kai

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Hi Manfred,

if your address space changes at runtime, you can start the addess space on-demand with a operation. Just create an operation for you opc ua gateway, for a specific OPC UA Server (example: 2917165)

	"deviceId": "2917165",
	"c8y_ua_command_ScanAddressSpace": {
                "skipSync": true
	"description": "Scan address space"

If you want to import the addess space also into the Cumulocity you have to set “skipSync”: false.

If you know the parent node where the changes will happen you can also directly define the root node in order to have a partial scan and not the complete address space scan:

	"deviceId": "2917165",
	"c8y_ua_command_ScanAddressSpace": {
             "skipSync": true
	"description": "Scan address space from ns=5;s=85/0:Simulation node"

Best regards

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Hi Alexander,
fine - thank you for the information.

I will look into the solution

Best Regards

Hello Kai,
Thank you for the information.


I was sending the operation.

First, the OPC UA Server was not connected, so it failed. → OK

But then, the OPC-UA Server was connected.
Operation executed.
But actually, the address space did not change, the new items where not represented in the device-management.

Step 1) Send operation

What I observe:

This address space scan only took 22 sec.

When creating the Server device, it took > 2 min

In the end, I created a new server again, address space reading was OK

Any idea why it would not work on the existing server device ?

Thank you

Hi Manfred, please set

skipSync: false

if you want to see the new node in Cumulocity.

Best regards,

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Alexander - OMG.

I will test it on other devices.

Thanks a lot.

UPDATE: just tested → OK, Thanks


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