one inbox - multiple tasks

How do I get one inbox to return multiple tasks? Currrent looking at a SearchProvider with CustomInboxSearchQuery but it looks like it only supports returning one task - I want it to return all the tasks within a specific project or fixed set of tasks that I can provider taskid’s to.

Opened a SR and worked with someone who I had being working with previously on an inbox issue and got a quick response on something that is not really documented - here is a code snippet for anyone who needs help on similiar issue:
private static final String TASK_TYPE_ID1 = “hex value of task” ;//- task1
private static final String TASK_TYPE_ID2 = “hex value of task” ;// - task2
private static final String TASK_TYPE_ID3 = “hex value of task” ;// - task3
public SearchProvider() {

super(); // task type id to search
m_searchQuery = new CustomInboxSearchQuery(); 

The setOperator of the value ‘in’ is like the sql statement evaluation of ‘where in’