ODBC Adapter for Webmethods 6

Can anyone give me information on ODBC Adapter for webMethods 6.

Since I have to use Integration Server 6 Notification features with MS SQL Server 6.5 version.

thanks in advance.

You can use the jdbc adapter for notifications too. it may not be supported on your db version, but it should still work…i think. But, if your deadset on using odbc, try using the Sun jdbc-odbc bridge. I recall there were some serious limiations (i think it had to do with connection pooling or multi-threading) with the bridge; might be as safe as using Cloudscape :wink:
Lastly, the ES Adapter (pre-6 days) had an odbc adapter, which is probably still supported an available, but you want to avoid pre-6 adapters for obvious reasons. I think jdbc is the way to go, if you can get notifications supported on your Db. You could always schedule your own SELECT From service using built-in scheduler and java or com interface.

Although deprecated, you can use the WmDB package if it is installed. Create an alias and use the odbc driver for your database. This should work. The MS Type IV driver works with SQL 2000+, but definitely not MS6.5. There are some third party (for-pay) Type IV drivers that will work.


Jordan is right that the JDBC/ODBC bridge from Sun has some issues. It is not thread-safe and will hang your IS box–and in full Murphy’s Law form it probably won’t hang during dev and testing but only after you’ve moved to production.