I would like to know - Whom of Construct customers around the world is using the Object-browse model ? How many of them do you have ? Is it in prduction allready ? and any other information that you feel that will help me in the matter.
We have approximately 175 object-browse-subp in production. We primarily use object-browse-subp as the basis for our web version browse
applications. We’ve developed a limited number of mainframe dialogs (using OBJECT-BROWSE-DIALOG model) reusing the same browse subprogram objects (one object supporting two presentation layers). Our long term goal is to eventually replace most of our mainframe browses (developed using BROWSE-SUBP) with the OBJECT-BROWSE-DIALOG.
If there is some assistance I can provide, please let me know. Also I have seen several recent issues with the OBJECT-BROWSE-DIALOG model so I’m not sure if this specifically is one of the issues or if the concerns are with the OBJECT-BROWSE-SUBP model.
Mark Barnard
R&D Construct/Spectrum
Software AG
I haven’t used them much mainly because the presentation layer (dialog) screens did not look the same as the screens generated by the browse model. We customized the dialog to accomodate that.