OAG BOD xml transaction

Hi all,

I need to implement OAG BOD XML transactions with our trading partners. I have implemented Rosettanet transaction with RNIF. But I haven’t experienced OAG BOD transactions.

For Rosettanet implementation, I need to download rosettanet PIPs, and import it into TN then it creates conversation scripts, doc types and basic required services such as wrapping and routing messages against RNIF specification. Also acknowledgement and two way communication(request/confirmation) are maneged by conversation scripts.

The following questions :

  • Wm provides any downloadable files such as chema/dtd,
    conversation scripts, doc type for OAG BOD(Business Object
  • Is there any sample services for purchase order process of OAG BOD?
  • Any one knows implementation procedures or documentations for that?

Sorry for too many questions…


Steve Kim