What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?
Cumulocity IoT Platform. Version 1013.0.167 and 1014.0.68.
Is your question related to the free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?
What are you trying to achieve? Please describe it in detail.
Notification V2
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
We got “404” using the version 1013.0.167.
Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?
Hi all,
I tested the notification V2 on eu-latest whose backend version is 1014.0.68 and all good. And then me and my colleague tested on another version which is 1013.0.167 and it doesn’t work. It showed that the page doesn’t exist-> “404” from the Postman. Is it the version 1013.0.167 that should contain the Notification V2 function?
BTW: we have already activated the “Notification V2” on the “role” section.
Thanks for your enquiry.
This issue needs to be handled by Cumulocity Cloud Ops team and we already have a support ticket to address this issue for one of our customers.
Please provide the tenant URL that you’re using.
Note that Notification 2.0 API requires Pulsar to be deployed and we have currently deployed it only on few Cloud (production) instances such as eu-latest, emea, cumulocity US.
This API will be available as an optional feature together with 10.13 version.
The main reason is that the Cumulocity Messaging Service requires additional resources (3 K8S worker nodes and persistent storage for undelivered messages) with corresponding costs that users may not wish to accept for existing deployments.
The Messaging Service will become a standard component of all deployments in a future release – which one exactly is still to be decided.
In the meantime, if the owner of your 10.13 environment is willing to provision the extra resources needed to deploy the Messaging Service, it can certainly be enabled in that environment.