Newbie Does IS46 Manage Sessions


I’m working on a B2B project that uses IS4.6… External clients will access the data by building XML requests and sending over HTTP to IS for processing…

I’m wondering does IS maintain a session object across requests from the same client… ie. like IIS ASP Session object or JSP’s JSession… I would like to maintain state across requests from the same client…

If so, how do I access the session object through my flow service?


Yes, by default IS maintians a session object implememted as a cookie, unless you set the service to “stateless” on the settings tab.

Using the Java API you can customise the contents of the session object. You can retrieve it using the pub.flow:getSession service.


Hi Theo -

> Using the Java API you can customise the contents of
> the session object.

Just wanted to chip in to say that the contents of the session object can customized simply using a MAP step in a flow. You have to manually create the record you want to map to in the pipeline, “shift” it to the right under the $session record, so that $session now has it as a sub-record, and then do the map. [ This was tricky for me, so I thought I’d mention it. ]