Need practical example on how to invoke a webservice using Digital Signature.


We are trying to get up to speed with more robust security implementations since all we have been using in the past is Basic Auth.

I’m assuming someone on wmusers has successfully built interface in webMethods IS 7.1.X that invokes a target webservice (non-webMethods) that utilizes Digital Signatures for its authentication.

The webMethods Webservice developers guide in my opinion leaves much to be desired in it’s level of detail. Sure it says how to set the WS Security profiles on a consumer web service descriptor, but it really doesn’t provide actual examples on how load or pass Certificate information in SOAPClient calls…or if it’s even necessary.

Would anyone be willing to discuss this or provide examples?
Even links to good resources would be appreciated.

Perhaps I’m thinking this is way more complicated than it is.
I know my lack of experience in this is certainly adding to the confusion.
