I�m trying to add a custom Monitor to wM Optimize using the addMonitorDescription-Method.
As far as I can see, the WSDLs located in glue and in Optimize_directory\controller\webapps\root\wsdl are slighty different, e.g. the structure of DocType “addMonitorDescription0In” differs.
Because other users already reported problems with the WSDL out of the filesystem, I created a WebServiceConnector in Developer using “http://localhost:12006/glue/WSOperationalDataCollector.wsdl”.
The results after execution are a document named “header” containing a status 500 and statusMessage “Internal Server Error”, a string soapStatus “1” and a string soapResponseData which is empty.
12006 is the webServicePort conigured in Optimize_directory\controller\conf\local\agent\webservicedca\WebServiceDCA.properties, I have access to glue console on URL [url]http://localhost:12006/glue/console[/url] which containes the WSDLs of WSProcessDataCollector and WSOperationalDataCollector and to glue console on [url]http://localhost:12005/glue/console[/url] without the 2 WSDLs. Maybe this is part of the problem?
Can anybody help me?