NAT3041 Error detected in format buffer


What will be the problem here? how I solve this…

this what I am getting when I am excuting my program…

PR00P154 1120 NAT0917 Error 3041 in COPYCODE PR00C009.
PR00C009 0900 NAT3041 Error in format buffer. DB/FNR/Subc/field 227/227/0/.

Please help me in this regards


We are not mind readers

Could we see the relevant portions of the Copycode? and the program that INCLUDEs the copycode?

Without seeing either, possible problems are database fields that are not in a View (structured and mixed modes), or errors with MU or PE occurrences outside of the specified ranges.


Hi Steve,

As per your answer I checked the view, I found that the fields declared wrongly in the view.

Best Regards