I have installed wM9.9 on my machine and I have problem with MWS. According to the logs server has stared but web interface is not available. I have noticed in the problem.log following exception:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.cometd.server.CometdServlet cannot be found by com.webMethods.caf.server_9.9.0.0000-0221
2015-10-29 10:03:39 CET (org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext:WARN) - Failed startup of context o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@777b6fa0{/,file:/opt/softwareag/MWS/server/default/deploy/portal.war/,STARTING}{/opt/softwareag/MWS/server/default/deploy/portal.war}
MultiException[javax.servlet.UnavailableException: org.cometd.server.CometdServlet cannot be found by com.webMethods.caf.server_9.9.0.0000-0221, javax.servlet.ServletException: cometd-initializer@a433b709==com.webMethods.portal.framework.impl.BayeuxInitializer,2,false, javax.servlet.UnavailableException: org.cometd.server.CometdServlet cannot be found by com.webMethods.caf.server_9.9.0.0000-0221]
I have checked for the missing class and it exists in softwareag/common/runtime/bundles/mws-main/eclipse/plugins/cometd-java-server_3.0.3.jar
but inside I noticed class name: org.cometd.server.CometDServlet and in the error it is referrenced as org.cometd.server.CometdServlet
Radek – While installing MWS did you face any challenges, as it is 9.9, very less might have installed. Also, please raise a ticket to SAG for suggestions.
I believe you were only using MWS for checking the Broker clients and all and also it was was a non-clustered environment. The same has been clearly mentioned in the installation guide ( 9-9_Installing_Software_AG_Products.pdf) on page 160. The MWS tables in external DB holds information related to cluster and others (snapshot provided). Hence if you are not using cluster it can easily run as it contain all the data at file level ( war files , pdp files . etc ) . But there is a high chance that if one file of the derby db gets corrupted the entire db becomes corrupted. In that case try to recreate the MWS profile itself.
(Optional) Back up the old profile folder (usually c:\softwareag\profiles\MWS_default).
Open a command prompt and navigate to the c:\softwareag\MWS\bin folder.
Remove the old profile folder by running this command: mws.bat delete-osgi-profile.
Create the new profile folder by running this command: mws.bat create-osgi-profile.