we have a scheduled task that polls a database every 15 seconds. On two occasions this week this polling failed to occur. Inspecting the scheduler showed a frequency of over 9 billion seconds. Attempts to change this fail. Attempts to restart IS fail, even shutting down the service failed. Eventually we had to reboot. The only possibly odd thing we noticed was over 170 socket connections to 5555 in a TIME_WAIT state.
Any ideas ?
When your frequency shows that rediculously large number that means that the process is currently running.
My guess is that you also have it set to run every 15 seconds regardless of how long the previous invoke took. Probably the database didn’t respond for some reason (could be too many open connections, depends on the DB and how you access it) and the services all started piling up until you ran out of threads in your scheduled thread pool (default is 10, you can change this from the Admin UI)
thanks for the response. We do have the task scheduled to repeat from end of invocation. I would have expected this to throttle it at one attempt at a time and then a 15 second interval.