Multi Factor Authentication for Integration Server 10.11

Integration Server 10.11

We need to implement Multi Factor Authentication in our Integration Server page to fulfill a compliance requirement. As of today, we are accessing the Integration server using basic authentication.

In our project we are using Integration Server (Designer for Dev) as only webMethods component as of today, and we have raised an incident for software AG where they said categorically - " two factor authentication is not natively supported by Integration Server".

So, I would love to hear from this community about achieving the goal of MFA, either by using any third-party tool or leveraging any other tool of webMethods.


Hi Sanket,

you can try to implement this on your own by using the IntegrationServer Java-API and register your custom login handler instead of the default basic auth login handler.


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Hey Holger,

Thanks a lot for your reply. Do we have any documentation around the Integration Server Java-API implementation.
