I try to extend the BIRT reports that are default in CentraSite. I took the report ‘Assert Dependencies’. And I like to extend that report with versions numbers. I saw the XQuery, see below. How can I retrieve the possible methods of the namespaces. I saw csdt:getUserLanguagePreferences() where is the documentation of that?
import module namespace cs = 'http://namespaces.CentraSite.com/Schema/jaxr';
import module namespace csdt = 'http://namespaces.CentraSite.com/modules/datetime';
import module namespace ut = 'http://namespaces.CentraSite.com/modules/util';
let $ulp := csdt:getUserLanguagePreferences()
for $b in collection('CentraSite')/*[cs:key="%-?=uddi:207ff1cc-25c5-544c-415c-5d98ea91060c:service_publish?-%"]
return <asset>
<name> { data(cs:localString($b/cs:name,$ulp)) } </name>
<type> { ut:getAssetType($b) } </type>
<owner> { ut:getUserName(data($b/cs:owner),$ulp) } </owner>
<description> {
data(cs:localString(($b/cs:description, element nil{})[1],$ulp)) } </description>