Modeler packages and folders


I’m wondering if it’s possible to generate several different models into a subfolder in a package using Modeler 6.1.5.

I’m trying want to group models that use common code.

The structure I’m looking for is:

Test (Package)
----------Test (Common Folder for several models)
--------------------Test1 (Folder with code from Model “Test1”)
--------------------Test2 (Folder with code from Model “Test2”)

I can’t seem to find a way to create this. Using the “Package Name” and “Label” properties, I can only seem to get th two following alternatives:

Alt 1.
Test1 (Package)
----------Test1 (Folder with code from Model “Test1”)
----------Test2 (Folder with code from Model “Test2”)

Test1 (Package)
----------Test1 (Folder with code from Model “Test1”)
Test2 (Package)
----------Test2 (Folder with code from Model “Test2”)

Hope you unserstand what I’m looking for.

Any help appreciated!

Hi Dezer,
It is possible to get several models into a single folder. While creating the steps there is a property called “folder” in properties panel. You have select the same folder for every step in order to generate that step in the same folder. First generate a single model so that it creates the services in the developer then create remaining models with the same package name and folder name. Hope i understood you problem correctly.


Will this also apply to any triggers that are generated?



I’ve tried to to this with an already existing model. All generated flow ends up in the correct folder, but the trigger is still in the original folder. Whats the best way to get the trigger to be in the same folder?


Iam not sure about the triggers but what i am assuming is as the modeler is creating the triggers with “trigger” as the name of the trigger and in a folder as names are unique its not possible for 2 triggers to have a name as “trigger” so it is creating the triggers in different folders. Best way to get the trigger to be in the folder is rename the trigger manually and move it to the folder.

Hi dezer

Why do you want to group multiple buseness processes (models) in one package only under different folder names ?


Hi Jeevan,

If it’s possible I would like put models that are linked to the same sending system into different packages. As it is today it’s hard to get a good understanding of the code as there are a lot of models present. I’ve tried a lot of different approaches to get this to work, but the triggers are causing problems. They either end up in a different folder than the generated services or not at all.

Is it at all possible to get this structure whether or not it’s best practice?

Hi Dezer

I had tried the same kind of scenario of creating multiple models in one package but it did not work,

For when any model is generated it creates a trigger where the subscrbing document(s) are mentioned for the business process to start. But if another model is genrated in the same package even if in the properties the folders are metioned differently , it would create another trigger and then it would result in conflict.

I dont think it is good practice to have tow different business process in one package only.

Please any one else do correct me if I am wrong and any suggestions are welcome



I understand if there would be a problem if I where to put the generated services in the same folder. But I’m trying to use a subfolder for each model.

So there should not be a problem with any kind of conflict with the triggers. On the other hand there might be other issues when using this kind of setup, which I’m not aware of.

Have you also tried to do this Jeevan (or anyone else)?


Hi again!

I’ve contacted webMethods support regarding this problem and got the following respons:

“It is not possible to setup the directory structure you had in mind… When
generating a model, all its contents will be automatically created under a
directory with the same name as the model. So, it is not possible for both
models to reside under a common directory.
However, it is possible to create all models under a common package:
Models (package)
- ModelA (folder)
- Design Server (folder)
- ModelB (folder)
- Design Server (folder)”

It’s not possible to get the setup that I was looking for.


I too was looking into the advantage site for the resolution, thats great but in the structure mentioned above from the wM Support team, the triggers are created in the Design pacakge do they create any conflict when the multiple business proccess are running ?



I hope you didn’t missunderstand the folder structure that I posted from the reply from wM. The correct structure should be:

Models (package)
----- ModelA (folder)
---------- Design Server (folder)
----- ModelB (folder)
---------- Design Server (folder)

This means that there is no risk for conflict as the namespace is different for each trigger. I’m currently running tests using this setup with up to 14 process models in one package without problems.
