missing server.abt file couldn't start IS

i have installed wm10.1 in my windows. when i try to start the integration server using command prompt i couldn’t find server.bat file in C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\bin. I have also tried starting startup.bat file in C:\SoftwareAG\profiles\IS_default\bin but received below error. is there any another way to start IS?

jvm 1 | !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.ds 1 0 2018-01-11 09:00:17.035
jvm 1 | !MESSAGE Could not bind a reference of component evpServiceTypeConfig
urationService. The reference is: Reference[name = InventoryExService, interface
= com.softwareag.platform.management.inventory.spi.InventoryExService, policy =
dynamic, cardinality = 0…1, target = null, bind = setInventoryService, unbind
= unsetInventoryService]
jvm 1 |
jvm 1 | !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.ds 1 0 2018-01-11 09:00:17.050
jvm 1 | !MESSAGE Could not bind a reference of component EvpServiceTypeDES. T
he reference is: Reference[name = JmxConnectorFactoryService, interface = com.so
ftwareag.platform.management.core.jmx.JmxConnectorFactoryService, policy = dynam
ic, cardinality = 0…1, target = null, bind = setJMXConnectorService, unbind = u
jvm 1 |
jvm 1 | !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.ds 1 0 2018-01-11 09:00:17.051
jvm 1 | !MESSAGE Could not bind a reference of component EvpServiceTypeDES. T
he reference is: Reference[name = InventoryExService, interface = com.softwareag
.platform.management.inventory.spi.InventoryExService, policy = dynamic, cardina
lity = 0…1, target = null, bind = setInventoryService, unbind = unsetInventoryS
jvm 1 |
jvm 1 | !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.ds 1 0 2018-01-11 09:00:17.067
jvm 1 | !MESSAGE Could not bind a reference of component com.softwareag.platf
orm.bundle.watchdog.internal.FrameworkRefresher. The reference is: Reference[nam
e = com.softwareag.platform.bundle.watchdog.BundleWatchdog, interface = com.soft
wareag.platform.bundle.watchdog.BundleWatchdog, policy = dynamic, policy-option
= reluctant, cardinality = 0…n, target = null, bind = addWatchdog, unbind = rem
oveWatchdog, updated = null]
jvm 1 |
jvm 1 | !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.ds 1 0 2018-01-11 09:00:17.163
jvm 1 | !MESSAGE Could not bind a reference of component com.softwareag.platf
orm.proxy.PlatformProxySelector. The reference is: Reference[name = Proxy, inter
face = com.softwareag.platform.proxy.PlatformProxy, policy = dynamic, cardinalit
y = 0…n, target = null, bind = addProxy, unbind = removeProxy]
jvm 1 | SecurityConfiguration for ESAPI.Logger not found in ESAPI.properties.
Using default: org.owasp.esapi.reference.JavaLogFactory
jvm 1 | SecurityConfiguration for ESAPI.Logger not found in ESAPI.properties.
Using default: org.owasp.esapi.reference.JavaLogFactory
jvm 1 | SecurityConfiguration for ESAPI.Logger not found in ESAPI.properties.
Using default: org.owasp.esapi.reference.JavaLogFactory
jvm 1 | SecurityConfiguration for ESAPI.Logger not found in ESAPI.properties.
Using default: org.owasp.esapi.reference.JavaLogFactory
jvm 1 | --------- Log File Closed ---------
jvm 1 |
jvm 1 |
jvm 1 | SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
jvm 1 | SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:C:/SoftwareAG/common/lib/ext/slf4j-
jvm 1 | SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:C:/SoftwareAG/common/lib/ext/slf4j-
jvm 1 | SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an e
jvm 1 | SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]


Hi Abhishek,

since wM 9.6 the start skript for IntegrationServer is located under IntegrationServer/instances/default/bin.

Replace default with the real instance name.
