My xml file does not have the root tag…I use map to get values I need from another record and map them to the record generated based on dtd, then use RecordToDocument function, but root tag is not there…what am I missing? Please help, thanks!
Strange… You dont have a root tag… so Its not an XML.
Try this…under the boundNode input parameter for recordToDocument create a new record (using pipeline editor ‘New’) with the name of the root tag, and then map it to your pipeline record variable to the newly record created under the boundNode.
If you can attach a screenshot of your recordToDocument pipeline mapping stuff it will be helpful in understanding the problem.
Thanks a lot for your help. The problem was with the way I declared a record in the pipeline in area for the recordToDocumet service…it has to be declared as Record Reference not just Record. I changed that and the root tag is in place in xml.