Misleading error message


from time to time we are receiving the following message in our server.log:

2009-06-04 10:10:07 CEST [WmDistributedLockManager.JdbcLockDbManager.tooManyExclusiveLocksE] Expecte
d 1 lock for id(_DataStore_1c148710-50df-11de-ad0a-a120ee6122551612483b-6b1a-4752-8efc-28217b02cb0f)
, found: 0

Unfortunately this is not documented anywhere on Advantage or wMUsers, nor is there a mark to which component of the wM Suite it is related.

Interesting is that is claiming a tooManyExclusiveLocks, but mentions that there are 0 where there should be 1, which is for me a tooFewExclusiveLocks. :wink:

Any Ideas?


None but we are now getting the same error in a couple of our environments too. Fired at Software AG support…


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