Millions of error messages if the receiver is not available

We replicate 150 million records from the mainframe (ADABAS) to Windows (ADABAS) and the replication server is located on the mainframe also.

If the replication fails, for example ADABAS on Windows is not available or the network is down, the replication server is sending out millions of error messages, 12 lines of output for one failed record.

How can we suppress these amount of error messages and avoid that the replication server will abend. OK, dummy is one possibility.

ADAF18 OP cmd to DBID 187 FNR RSP 148 subcode 16448
ADAF54 2008-11-04 00:15:24 Replication error: Adabas destination D187044
ADAF54 Source DBID 134 FNR 44, Target DBID 187 FNR 44
ADAF18 A1 cmd to DBID 187 FNR 44 RSP 148 subcode 16448 ISN 143917916
ADAF54 2008-11-04 00:15:24 Replication error: Adabas destination D187044
ADAF54 Source DBID 134 FNR 44, Target DBID 187 FNR 44
ADAF18 ET cmd to DBID 187 FNR RSP 148 subcode 16448
ADAF54 2008-11-04 00:15:24 Replication error: Adabas destination D187044
ADAF54 Source DBID 134 FNR 44, Target DBID 187 FNR 44
ADAF18 CL cmd to DBID 187 FNR RSP 148 subcode 16448
ADAF54 2008-11-04 00:15:47 Replication error: Adabas destination D187044
ADAF54 Source DBID 134 FNR 44, Target DBID 187 FNR 44

Is this a feature or an error or an forgotten parameter?

Dieter Storr

Hello Herr Storr,

there are destination parameters to change the reaction on target errors.
On DAERROR=ALTACTION (default) processing continues with the next update in the transaction.

I would recommend using DAERROR=CLOSE because it doesn’t make sense to continue endlessly. With CLOSE the destination is closed and updates will be logged in the Reptor (DLOG=YES).

With DRETRYCOUNT and DRETRYINTERVAL parameters you can set wait time and how often a retry should be undertaken to reopen the destination and resume replication.

As an example a complete set of parameters for a destination:


Marbod Mueller