Migration from 6.1 to 8.x

Hello All,

We are planing to migrate from 6.1 to 8.x version.
I am trying to find some information regarding the upgrade. But, I done see any document regarding this migration.
In the latest/updated upgrade guide in the product documentation of 8.x doesn’t have any information regarding the 6.1 to 8.x

So, could some one help me to find/give info about this migration please.


There is no direct migration path from 6.1 to 8.x, so the possible ways for you to do migrate 6.1 → 7.1 → 8.x or 6.1 → 6.5 → 8.x.
I would suggest you to go for first one…

Thanks for the response.

Can you tell me the steps to be taken while migrating please?

If you can suggest/provide me a document that will help me a lot.


As I am wM Developer and this is my first project where I am involving in upgrading the server along with the hardware.
So, I would like to know what all work to be done while our servers are getting upgraded and after up-gradation.


Go through the documentation… you will get most of your answers…


If you still have some doubts, post them back here.


We're considering going the same path 6.1 to 8.0 or even 8.2. We're just using Integration Server + Developer from the suite. No TN, no EDI, no LDAP. Just Web Services (mainly doc/lit following a similar approach as is suggested in the sticky), some publish/subscribe (locally since there is no broker), some JMS interactions using the JMS adapter, some ff schemas/dictionaries, JDBC adapter services and some java services thrown into the mix. We have no clustering since for the moment a single server had been enough.
I've been doing some scattered testing on a 7.1.3 sandbox and I had found out JMS and JDBC adapter had no problems so far (although I've tested the new JMS triggers). We did some testing changing a couple of WS endpoints to the 7.1 server using the 6.1 WSDL's and they seem to work again with no probs. I have researched (maybe not deep enough) through some documents and although there are new ways of doing things (like WS exposure through defining WSDs and not having to do the marshalling/unmarshalling) I haven't found anything stating something must be rewritten or changed (apparently all the way through 8.0 and by using the pre 8.2 compatibility mode, it might be as well through 8.2).
My main concern now (and I might be missing something) is about the development IDE. As I said, we use only developer and I'm not sure if the latter developer releases maintain the same functionality from 6.x or if we'll be forced to move to designer to be able to develope. I'm aware most efforts go now to integrate developer (if is not complete yet as of 8.2) into designer but since we have some time constraints we'll be having too much to go through if we need to jump into a new IDE (not just our maintanance team but our projects' and providers') and there are no resources planned to be assigned to trainning.
We're running things on AIX 5.3 which is another constraint since 8.2 goes only on AIX 6.1 and AIX 5.3 support we'll be ending 2012 Q2 (or so I believe) but would like to know for sure what are our chances with 8.0/8.2 from the development perspective (knowing it has low or no changes whatsoever on the code will be an almost GO). We're trying hard to have this migration going tough there are not many resources slotted to the task since a change of platform is being also considered. :sad:
Is there a moved soul (and forgiving one - because of the long post :D) wishing to give some advice or share some knowledge on the subject? 


Hello Brian,
We are ready to go live with the new wM8.2 version. The answer for your questions is that we can still use the developer as like in previous version but the strong recommendation from SoftwareAG is to start using the designer which is almost similar and easy to use. And there will be very minimal changes in the code when we migrate from 6.1 → 8.2. Also, we need to keep looking to any patches to be installed for the developer. Let me know if you still have any questions.

Thanks wMhv, glad to hear we would be able to keep developer at least while we get to know Designer to switch over. We don’t have an IS 8.x installed since we’re in the process of getting a testing license or the like, but still when through Designer installation and it gave errors while installing the service development plug-in, so I didn’t know what to make out of it. I’m still not sure why the exception (I tried to install Designer 8.2 on Win 7).

Do you know if Integration Server can still be used as standalone or does it need to be paired with some other product within the suite? First time the migration was bring upon wasn’t performed because someone told the client’s architect they had to move forward to Fabric and implied they had to purchase the whole Fabric suite (back in 2009). It didn’t sound quite precise at the time (nor now) but I’m not sure how is it now since apparently not many goes the IS only path

Thanks again for your time!


To me it looks like a big jump (from 6.1) …keep us posted how is 8.2 working condition after upgrade-go live.

What OS are you guys on?


Please check with SAG support for Designer8.2/on Win7 issue they can assist you better and keep this forum posted:

Hi Guys,

We are trying to migrate integrations from 6.5 to 8.2. components involved are as follows:
IS,Developer,Trading networks, JDBC adapter, JDE, Oracle, webservices…etc…

Can anyone help me knowing what all fixes i need to install as part of 8.2 IS…? also if you have any service specific guide would be of great help.


As far the IS8.2 goes these are the latest fixes listed in the Empower site:

IS_8.2_SP1_Core_Fix1 (8.2.1)
BR_8.2_SP1_Core_Fix1 (Broker)
BR_8.2_SP1_Portal_Fix1 (MWS Broker & JMS)
DEP_8.2_SP1_Fix2 (Deployer)

No specific fixes posted for the other components that listed above and it should be a good start:


Now you have to use Update Manger to install Fix… Fixes are not provided as downloadable zip file as before… When you point to the installation directory, SUM will show all the fixes that has to be installed for the different components that you have in place…
