Mapping functions on nonXML-Data


After reading through documentation and examples
I wonder if it at all is possible to let a mapping
function operate on nonXML-Data.
The context is as follows:
I have a web-based application that lets the user
specify what segment he wants to listen to from
a given audio file. The XML-metadata about the
files contents is already in Tamino. I would also
like to store the audio file into Tamino and then
let a mapping function cut out the user-specified
segment from the audio file and serve this segment
back to the browser.
At the moment I have no idea if this is possible,
so feel free to enlighten me :wink:

Thank you very much,


Hi Ben,
up to Tamino v4.1.1 there are no (mapping-)functions on non-XML documents. But I would like to draw Your attention to a feature comming up with next Tamino version (v4.1.4 or higher). It is intended for user defined indexing on non-XML data.
A Server Extension can be related to a non-XML Doctype with the following features (brief summary):
1. The non-XML document is handed “as is” in binary format to the Server Extension as a parameter.
2. Other describing data like doctype and doctype-URL is handed over as well.
3. The result of the Server Extension (must be XML) is stored as meta-data in relation to the non-XML original. This “shadow” is used for querying, whereas the original is returned as the result of the Query. (For details see the manual.)
4. Tamino deletes the meta-data implicitely, when the original is deleted and it performs the updates.
5. The functionality of the Server Extension is not restricted: any kind of (XML) call-back is allowed.

Hope that will match some of Your needs.
Kind regards, Michael