There is a section at the end of the installation documentation:
Verifying the Installation
If you created a demo Adabas database during the installation, change the working directory to $ADADIR/db, where is the database number.
If not, you should first generate a database using the procedure dbgen.
Start the Adabas nucleus either by using the DBA Workbench or by using the script adanuc.bsh.
You can verify that the nucleus is now online by, for example, running the ADABAS report utility adarep as follows:
adarep db=
If the installation was successful, the utility will respond in a way similar to the following:
%ADAREP-I-STARTED, 23-OCT-2001 14:12:39, Version 3.2.1
%ADAREP-I-DBON, database accessed online
Shut down the nucleus by entering the following: