Load- balanced on RI Server

Hi All,

we have RI Server in our DMZ environment. we have third party load balancer infront of RI that means,

when customer send a messageIncoming requests is spread between the two RI Integration Servers using the third party load balancer.

Can any one have idea on how are connections for out-bound messages get load-balanced on the RI server? my understanding out-bound messages are load balanced same way as incoming messages. please correct if I am wrong.

Thanks in Advance,

The definition of “inbound” and “outbound” depends on the point of view.

If the point of view is IS, then outbound traffic (from IS to partners) does not need to be load-balanced. IS simply connects to the target (which might be load balanced, but that’s part of the target’s infrastructure, not yours) and sends the data. Outbound traffic does not travel through the RI server(s).

If the point of view is internal systems sending data to partners via IS, then yes, the internal systems should connect to IS via your load balancer. That is “inbound” traffic from an IS point of view.

Hi Reamon,

Thanks a lot of the replay but still I am having couple of questions,

Reamon Posted:
If the point of view is IS, then outbound traffic (from IS to partners) does not need to be load-balanced. IS simply connects to the target (which might be load balanced, but that’s part of the target’s infrastructure, not yours) and sends the data. Outbound traffic does not travel through the RI server(s).

Please correct if my understanding is correct or not?

The flow of messages from customer to our ERP is like this,

Inbound meassage:

Customer—>Load balancer—>RI Server----->Internal Server---->SAP&JDE

Outbound message my assumption not yet implemented,

SAP&JDE---->InternalServer----->RIServer—>Load Balancer---->Customer here how are connections for out-bound messages get load-balanced on the RI servers?I think out bound messages also loadbalanced any ideas on this.

Thanks in Advance,

[/color]Yes, this is fine.

[/color]This is not correct. It should be like this:

SAP&JDE —> Load Balancer (within the firewall) → Integration Server → Customer

Traffic from SAP & JDE can be load balanced (if you are using HTTP post/FTP put capabilities of SAP & JDE) to distribute the load to IS and provide failover. If you’re using the IS adapters for those applications, refer to the adapter guides for each for operating in a multiple IS instance environment.

Traffic from IS to the customer does not, and cannot, go through the RI servers. Traffic from IS won’t go through your load balancer either. It can go through your proxy, if desired/required for security. It might go through your customer load balancer, but you won’t see that.

Hi Reamon.

Remon Wrote:
Traffic from IS to the customer does not, and cannot, go through the RI servers. Traffic from IS won’t go through your load balancer either. It can go through your proxy, if desired/required for security. It might go through your customer load balancer, but you won’t see that.

Excellent!you are correct Reamon.I found out from my sysadmin also the out bound messages are going through our proxy server.Thanks a lot.
our Inbound documents are EDI messages what about sychronousMDN Message goes back through RI Server or Proxy?please can clarify this.

Once again thanks a lot for your time.

Any synchronous response over HTTP will go back through the RI server. While this is “outbound” traffic, strictly speaking, it’s a special case because the communication path is already established and the security steps taken to establish that path are still applicable to the response.

When a connection is initiated from your internal IS, then it will go through the proxy.

Thanks reamon, it make sense to me now.
