Limited Databases - Only able to use one database with X-App

X-Application Version: 3.1.1
Tamino Version : 3.1.1
Platform : NT
WebContainer : Tomcat 3.3a
JDK Version : 1.3.1

Would it be possible that in the future you could use more than one database in X-Application ? ? ?

Currently you can use one database with many collections, what I’m after is many databases with many collections.


to address multiple Tamino databases within one application is currently possible on X-Application?s API level. You can create as many workspaces as you have databases. Each workspace is connected with one database.

However, multiple Tamino databases are currently not supported on JSP level.

What we can do for future versions depends on your requirements:

(A) Transparent View
This means, the client is not aware how many databases are addressed by the application. It can create a query. This query is delivered to the different databases and the resulting set of documents is the union of the sets each database returns.

(B) Separate View
This means, the client knows the topology of the databases. When defining a query he must specify which database he wants to address. This separate view to the underlying databases would be useful if documents with the same doctype are store within one database (e.g. documents of doctype A and B are stored within database X and documents of doctype C are stored within database Y).

For (A) it will be difficult to implement the functionality within X-Application due to the complexity of this topic.

For (B) it would be simpler to find a solution. We could consider the support of multiple databases when we extend / redesign X-Application?s query handling. Currently, we allow you to define the place where documents are stored by a tuple consisting of collection name and doctype. We could extend this to a triple with the database as additional parameter.

It would be useful for us if you and other developers who have to deal with multiple databases could sent us more information about the applications, scenarios, use cases and requirements. It would help us when prioritize the topic for our future planning.

Thank you,