Large documents get stuck in Broker Client

When large documents, larger than 14 MB, are published to the Broker, they show up in the client queues properly. However, on the subscription side, in many cases it appears the documents are stuck in the queue.

In my case,inbound flatfiles come in via TN,some flatfile,for example,forecast will be larger than 5 Mb.And they will be transformed internal XML,so the XML will be larger than 50Mb.I guess,in this situation,there should be some special configuration about IS and Broker Server.

Maybe the hardware of my server is not enough power.The memory I assign to Java heap is Min 512M and Max 1024M.And the Intergration Server and Broker are both 6.1 version.



The broker is not designed to store large amounts of data. You will need to come up with another method. Typically, this data is stored in a database and the key is published so that it can be extracted at a later time.


Typically the documents published to Broker are little.The large documents are just special.And webMethods claimed Broker supported large document larger than 32M.

And here,when a large document arrived at Broker Client queue,the connection between Broker client and the Broker was down.

I have updated the webMethods to the latest version using webMethods Installer connected to webMethods Advantage.


I publish documents 100 mb and I see no problem in the Broker queue.
Better configure to add more storage file. each storage file can be upto 32 gb. This will solve your problem
