Lack of time stamp

Dear collegues

Following an error in a system running on Tamino 4.1.4, we reachs the strange fact that some records (documents) does not have the time stamp field, or at least it has no content.
Does anyone knows if this is a known Tamino problem, not a problem, … ?

I include two queries over the same doctype, one delivering the time stamp value, and the other not.

Thanks in advance

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<ino:response xmlns:ino=“” xmlns:xql=“XQL FAQ (XML Query Language - Frequently Asked Questions)”>
<xq:query xmlns:xq=“”>
declare namespace tf=""
for $a in input()/STLAcqTypeOfContent
where $a/DGMdata/DGMkey="20050311102225estela"
return {tf:getLastModified(root($a))}
<ino:message ino:returnvalue=“0”>
ino:messagelineXQuery Request processing</ino:messageline>
<xq:result xmlns:xq=“”>
<ino:message ino:returnvalue=“0”>
ino:messagelineXQuery Request processed</ino:messageline>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<ino:response xmlns:ino=“” xmlns:xql=“XQL FAQ (XML Query Language - Frequently Asked Questions)”>
<xq:query xmlns:xq=“”>
declare namespace tf=""
for $a in input()/STLAcqTypeOfContent
where $a/DGMdata/DGMkey="20050304135514estela"
return {tf:getLastModified(root($a))}
<ino:message ino:returnvalue=“0”>
ino:messagelineXQuery Request processing</ino:messageline>
<xq:result xmlns:xq=“” />
<ino:message ino:returnvalue=“0”>
ino:messagelineXQuery Request processed</ino:messageline>


Since the result of your second query is empty, I assume that your doctype does not contain any instance fulfilling your search criteria. If just the time stamp were missing the query result would contain an empty “timestamp” element.

Best regards,

Thorsten Fiebig

Hi Thorsten

You are right. After some tests and checks, we found that the index of the searching ELEMENT was corrupted. After reindexing, it seems to work well.

Thanks a lot