JSP not loading - webMethods


Just thought of posting my learning when i faced the below issue of JSP not loading when invoked in browser

Tried - [URL]http://localhost:5555/web/TestJSP/firstPage.jsp[/URL]
Got - HTTP Status 404 - Servlet jsp

Check for the following points and take action to rectify the issue.

  1. The correspoding package where you have ur JSP’s should have a package dependency mentioned WmTomcat

  2. Navigate to IS_DIR\packages\WmTomcat\lib\ folder create a folder called endorsed and place xercesImpl.jar. THis jar can be retrieved from common\lib folder of IS installation path.

Restart IS and try invoking the JSP


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Hi Kaparga,
thank you for sharing your experience with us - which did the trick for me!

Best regards,