JMS Message Request / Reply

Hi, I have a scenario, and could not understand the correct configuration required.
Currently I see a difference in the service usage on the requests and responses on both the servers. Difference on the count of request/reply is huge.

We have two logical servers (Not clustered) with same packages & configurations etc, connected to same JMS provider. These servers run on Load balancer.

We have a Request Reply flow, based on Queues (requestQ & responseQ)

My question is how can I control :
If a request comes from one server, the response should be from the same server. I do not want to loose any messages.

I thought of one possible solution, but am not sure. That is :

Changing the shared state(ss) of the responseQ to false .

I can also look out for correlationId check on the JMS message, but this is secondary. I am looking for a configuration either on the queues or trigger?

Pls let me know if anyone has any idea.


I think I did not post my question properly, but my problem is solved. webMethods does the correlation and all the messages are routed correctly to the correct server. As jms:reply runs from other server sometimes we see the service usage count on that.
