JDBC Style Facade for Tamino Java API

For a recent project, because I couldn?t find anything quite like it out there (and because there was no wind for windsurfing) I wrote a JDBC style Facade (for the Tamino Java API) for use with XQuery.

The motivation for creating a Fa

Hi Paul,

Looks very interesting.

I also developed my own Facade on top of Tamino. My motivation was just make development faster and cleaner. I borrowed some ideas from Spring framework’s JDBC layer. Here is some code from my DAO:

import de.cepco.framework.exception.DataAccessException;
import de.cepco.framework.tamino.core.AccessorCreator;
import de.cepco.framework.tamino.core.TaminoOperations;

public MyDAO(TaminoOperations taminoTemplate, AccessorCreator accessorCreator) {
this.taminoTemplate = taminoTemplate;
this.accessorCreator = accessorCreator;

public String insertDocument(Document document) throws DataAccessException{
return taminoTemplate.update(TXMLObject.newInstance(document), this.accessorCreator);

As you see code is much cleaner rather than with direct Tamino API. And it is fully integrated with Spring’s transaction management and all Tamino transaction’s issues can be done from Spring application context.

Just my 2c



This sounds interesting…Would you be willing to share the JDBC like code with the community?, Can you post us where I can get the code from?


Originally posted by Paul Hudson:
For a recent project, because I couldn?t find anything quite like it out there (and because there was no wind for windsurfing) I wrote a JDBC style Facade (for the Tamino Java API) for use with XQuery.

The motivation for creating a Fa