JDBC Pooling Notifications Issue

I m getting this error when I m trying to enable JDBC Pooling Notifications for Packages.[ART.116.3038] Adapter Runtime (Notification): Error in Notification Callback:enableCallback notification packagename.adapterServices:InsertNotification.[ADA.1.114] The database objects for “packagename.adapterServices:process_InsertNotification” notification already exist. You can delete the objects and try enabling the notification again. To delete the existing database objects use the “pub.pollingNotificationUtils:dropDatabaseObjects” service.

What is this mean, what needs to be done…

thanks in advance.

I’m also getting this - I think it’s when IS stops working (e.g. has to be restarted) and the adapter notification doesn’t recover 100%, but I’m not sure.

I’d also appreciate some insight.

Rob Grant,

Can you explain me when you are receiving this error?

Are you using different connection for creating the Adapter Notification services?

Same connection as for queries, yes.

The notification sometimes seems to disable itself; this is the error message shown when I try to re-enable it.

WmJDBCAdapter/pub.pollingNotificationUtils:dropDatabaseObjects run this service with required input and see if that helps

If not reply back will suggest you one more solution…:slight_smile:

Yes, that’s the manual remedy for it; that’s what we’ve been doing. I’m wondering why it does this in the first place, and why it doesn’t auto-recover.

Can you provide the complete error message… Error posted above is old and I guess it is not the same error (exactly) as you get.

I don’t know why it’d be different? Looks the same to me:

[ART.116.3038] Adapter Runtime (Notification): Error in Notification Callback:enableCallback notification PackageName.folderName:notificationName.
[ADA.1.114] The database objects for “PackageName.folderName:notificationName” notification already exist. You can delete the objects and try enabling the notification again. To delete the existing database objects use the “pub.pollingNotificationUtils:dropDatabaseObjects” service.

webMethods version?

Can you create a another jdbc connection with different name and then create your adapter notification on the new connection that was created.

Connection that you create let it be specific to a notification and make sure it does not have any depedency on adapter services.

I assume this should work. Try to reproduce the error as before…

If still issue exists lets see of other options (Fix levels, SAG Global Support)


Based on the error did you try to delete the objects via pub.pollingNotificationUtils:dropDatabaseObjects (make sure you disable the notification first and re-enable it after deleting the objects) and it should start enable fine…

Have you tried this yet or any more issues your are seeing?