JDBC OCI Connection falure


I am using wm 6.5 in Solaris 9, When I try to use drivertype=oci for a jdbc adapter, I am getting the below error

Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource CwWADConnection.jdbc:wmWADOracleConnection.[ART.118.5063] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to start connection CwWADConnection.jdbc:wmWADOracleConnection: after 1 attempt(s)./apps/wm/comdata/oraclient/oracle102/lib/libocijdbc10.so: ld.so.1: java: fatal: /apps/wm/comdata/oraclient/oracle102/lib/libocijdbc10.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64I have changed the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH env variable of the unix box and cannot able to successfully enable the adapter.Where is this path set?Could some one help me out in this concern.