JDBC Notification not working in wM 9.5 using MS SQL database 2012


We have created a Basic Notification and Insert Notification in wM 9.5 on the MS SQL database 2012.

1.)For the Basic Notification the data is picked up by the database trigger on insert event and inserted into the buffer table. However the data from the buffer table is not published by the wM notification. The polling of the notification is enabled. We are not getting any error on the error log.

2.)For the insert notification, we are encountering the error while inserting the data in the MS SQL table. The error message is as mentioned below:

ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service TrainingTest:insertService.
[ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “INSERT INTO DB_Name.Schema_Name.Table_Name(emp_id, f_name, l_name, designation) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)”. "
b Invalid object name ‘Username.BufferTable_Name’."
Invalid object name ‘Username.BufferTable_Name’. [/b]Caused by: com.wm.adk.error.AdapterServiceException: [ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “INSERT INTO DB_Name.Schema_Name.Table_Name(emp_id, f_name, l_name, designation) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)”. "
(S0002/208) Invalid object name ‘‘Username.BufferTable_Name’’."
Invalid object name ‘webmuser.WMBbjnhvrw’.
Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid object name ‘webmuser.WMBbjnhvrw’.

Looks like you need to restart IS and there seems there no buffer table gets creating and thus its saying invalid object name.Did you also check with your DBA on the privileges and all for that db?

So before you restart IS make sure all the JDBC notifications are in disabled state and then rrestart IS and try enable the notifications one at least to make sure…


Hi rmg,

Thanks for the reply.

We had already tried the IS Option restart after making sure all the JDBC notifications are in disabled state.
and Notification got Enabled too. Yesterday, the basic notification part worked for us.

One quick question, does “UserName” should be same as Schema_Name for MS SQL database too ( just like the usual practice for JDBC connection with Oracle ) ?
We have asked our DBA on the DB access privileges and other details.


One quick question, does “UserName” should be same as Schema_Name for MS SQL database too ( just like the usual practice for JDBC connection with Oracle ) ? → Not necessarily.

How did you resolve the first scenario?

I have set a Basic notification on my buffer table and the same has been enabled.
But its not fetching the records from the Buffer table.

Can you please come back on this?

@cemdivya@gmail.com MV,

If you are using a client to insert data into table, make sure you commit the transaction, explicit.



Its already committed and am able to fetch the records using a basic notification in 7x

but the basic notification in 9.5 on the same table doesnt fetch them


Please check,

  1. http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/webmethods/wmsuites/wmsuite9-5_sp1/SysReqs_Installation_and_Upgrade/9-5_System_Requirements.pdf

  2. JDBC driver too.



I am not getting any error messages or logs either.

The System requirements seem to be passed.


What value you have selected for Publish Document to?
