JCR Providers and FTP


How can I use the v8 JCR APIs to upload files into a FTP server?
Is there any samples showing this?
I have tried to follow the documentation on Designer but had no success.


I guess it is theoretically possible to create a custom java client that routes the JCR API calls into ftp API calls. I am not aware of any existing library that does that, and it seems like it would be a lot of work to make it work correctly.

You are probably better off just using an IS service, or a java based ftp client library directly.

Something like this:


thanks for the quick reply.
Let me explain better the requirements.
I have a task with the default task comments view portlet.
Now, I need to upload the attachments specified in this portlet into a ftp server. How can I do this?


What you can do is add a customizable Comments portlet to your task application (either when creating new task or later you can do New Portlet… then select Task Comments portlet). This will generate a portlet with all source code which implements comments page, you will find there an attachments list panel and respective TaskAttachmentsProvider which stores attachments for the task.

What you need to do is to create your own implementation of this provide to store/fetch files from ftp server


ok, I’ll try that.
While exploring ways of doing this I found that MWS enables us to define content services to store files. Does it make sense to use this in order to implement my requirement? If so, how?
