java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when logging user message

I’m running ES 4.1.1 with the 4.5.x tools on Solaris 2.6. When I test my integration component I keep getting an exception when trying to log a user message. The adapter that the integration component belongs to is on a different machine, but the integration component as the logging enabled on the properties tab. Also, if I’m running my adapter (not the Logger) in debug mode, this will produce a fatal error. Anybody have this happen before?

:12:52 AM [Debug] writeLawsonFile process time 117ms
9:12:52 AM Exception in thread “0” [Debug] println java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: COM.activesw.adapter.devkit.AdapterScriptAccess: method publishProcessLog(LCOM/activesw/adapter/devkit/AdapterTransaction;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V not found
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.script.v9.writeLawsonFile.Script.logMessageBegin(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.script.v9.writeLawsonFile.Script.scriptInvoke(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterScriptHolder$
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at Method)
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterScriptHolder.doPrivileged(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterScriptHolder.scriptInvoke(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterScriptHolder.scriptInvoke(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterIntegrationComponent.scriptInvoke(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterMain.processCallbackRequest(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterMain.executeTransaction(Compiled Code)
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterMain.handleBrokerEvent(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterMain.getEvents(Compiled Code)
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterMain.runAdapterMain(
9:12:52 AM [Debug] println at COM.activesw.adapter.intdevkit.AdapterMain.main(