Issue with Pip2A1 Sender and Receiver ID

I am trying to run a sample Pip2A1 Distributor & User model. The sender DUNS 123456789 sends Product Catalog to Receiver DUNS 987654321. But the wait for External document on Receiver side show wrong Sender and Receiver ID in TPA. The TPA shows SenderID as 987654321 & ReceiverID as 123456789. The BizDoc shows correct SenderID & ReceiverID. I have no clue as to why the Sender and Receiver ID’s are reversed.

The Focal & TN role on Receiver side are as below

Focal Role - Product Information User
TN Rode
Sender Role - Product Information Distributor
Receiver Role - Product Information User

Can you give more details

  1. wait for External document still waiting?
  2. do you have unknown TPA for recieving document (PIP2A1) or specific to partner?
  3. TN is reciving the 2A1 document with which sender receiver id
  4. and provide more details


thanks Arulchristhuraj for your prompt respone. The actual problem is the Wait_for_external_document on receiver side is giving exception because it could not find the TPA.

My TPA settings on receiver side is partner specific i.e
Sender -123456789
Receiver - 987654321
AgreementID - Product Information User Action Document

The bizDoc received by the TN shows correct sender i.e 123456789 & receiver i.e 987654321. But the service wm.ip.profile:getInternalIDs in wait to external document give senderID as 987654321 & receiverID as 123456789. So the getTPAInfo service gives me exception because there is no TPA set for Sender 987654321 & Receiver 123456789. The problem is getIndernalIDs service is reversing the sender & receiverId.

focal role for sender model - Product Information Distributor
focal role for receiver model - Prodcut Information User

The TN role set on the external document received by wait for external document is as follows

Sender Role - Product Information Distributor
Receiver Role - Product Information User

Thanks & Regards,

Hi Sandeep,

I am not sure which version of PIP 2A1 you are using…
V02.00.00 / R02.00.00A / v1.0

How you created TPA?

Please Create TPA using the following ways…
You have to duplicate the

  1. “PIP2A1vV02.00 Product Catalog Information Notification Action Product Information User Document”
  2. Agreemnet ID - PIP2A1vV02.00 Product Catalog Information Notification Action Product Information User Document
    (remove the Copy Of)
  3. Select the Sender : 123456789
  4. Select the Receiver : 987654321

and make the status of TPA “Agreed”

and now you try to Post PIP2A1 document…

Hope this info helps…
