IS Responding very slowly after some actions

Hello Veera,

Is there a Designer installed on the actual Integration Server ? Is you can access that, try to do the same and see if you have the same issue. This will rule out the issue with your local Designer.

Also, from your local designer try to do the same on a different IS maybe a QA or Stage IS.

Sometimes the issue could be with the network/connection as well.


Hello Holger,

Ok. Thank you! Sorry i didn’t get your message completely. What do you mean by upload?

Hello smathangi,

Thanks for your reply. I connect to the DEV and QA (configurations listed before this post) with the same local designer. TEST will be like super fast, but not DEV. This is the same issue for my colleagues too.

I need to double check if the disk type is HDD or SSD on both the servers.
