The following is the default password restrictions mentioned in IS 6.5
Minimum Password Length 8
Minimum Number of Upper Case Characters 2
Minimum Number of Lower Case Characters 2
Minimum Number of Digits 1
Minimum Number of Special Characters
(neither alphabetic nor digits) 1
If this is the case, then why ‘abc2010’ is getting accepted.
mininum pass length is set to 8, but my pass length is 7
IS was throwing exceptions when I try to change the password to ‘abc’ (like Warning: Selected password violates the current password guidelines.)
But it is just warning. My password is still getting changed.
How are you changing passwords? If you are an admin changing a user password, you will only receive a warning. If you are a developer, you should not be able to set your own password to a value that does not meet complexity guidelines.
You might want to look at using LDAP if you have more than a few users you need to manage.