This is a little heavy but you can set an event handler to catch the errors and send you an email with the stack trace for the error. This is all that I know for 6.0.1 so YMMV. You need to make a service that will handle the requests. For now it have just be an empty flow service (don’t fiddle other types).
For catching then exceptions, go to Tools -> Event Manager. Pick the Exception Event from the drop down. Add a new row. Choose the service you made earlier that will handle the request. Leave the filter for now to * but you can easily add to it like wm* or* as needed when you get further.
For the handler service, use pub.event:exceptionInfo as the Input. You will see you have access to a copy of the pipeline and the callstack. That will enable you to know who what where and when something happened. I use the callstack as such in my email:
STACK[0]: %callStack[0]/service%
STACK[1]: %callStack[1]/service%
STACK[2]: %callStack[2]/service%
STACK[3]: %callStack[3]/service%
STACK[4]: %callStack[4]/service%
STACK[5]: %callStack[5]/service%
STACK[6]: %callStack[6]/service%
STACK[7]: %callStack[7]/service%
STACK[8]: %callStack[8]/service%
STACK[9]: %callStack[9]/service%
That usually is more that enough. You can use all the other fields for more details of your problem. Then you can post against what you problem is. Good day.