Invoking service through SOAP UI


I am invoking my flow service from SOAP UI by doinvoke. It works fine if the inputs of the service is only fields. Im unable to pass input from SOAP UI if the input type of the service is a document.

has anyone come across this scenario?? Is there a work around other than creating a wrapper service to take xml string and converting it to doc.


PS: im using a SOAP UI version 4.5.2

Loading the WSDL and configuring the end points (user and password) on SOAP UI. Pass the request and see the response

did it not work as suggest above?

Hi Mahesh,

Its not a webservice that im trying to invoke here. Its a plain flow service which is being invoked in soap ui like we invoke through browser. but the input type is a document.

Thanks and Regards

I am not sure about this.

“Is there a work around other than creating a wrapper service to take xml string and converting it to doc” → I think this is the only option you have to do as a work around for the doInvoke aspect.


A possibility might be to create a provider WSD (WebService Descriptor) for that service and use this one as a WSDL for SoapUI (and Partners).

This might enable the input type “document”.
