Invoke Webservice

Hello ,

i want to publish a web service using another web service ,
lets say i have an external wsdl that has an operation taking an input and provide me output
i want to make another webservice that give the above one its input and make use of its output

the first one i make it as a consumer and try to invoke its connector into my flow_service and link the I/O then make the flow service as a provider
when i test this nothing happened !

this error thrown in server logs :
[522]2017-12-08 18:44:59 EET [ISS.0007.0001E] Access Denied. User “local/Default” does not have permissions to invoke service: SoapTest.endpoint:new_wsd.

As per the error message, user doesn’t have execute permissions. Please refer the service properties to set execute ACLs

Alternatively , You can test the webservice provider with Administrator user.