I’ve created a Jar including a group of others librairies using Maven.
I’ve asked Maven to create me a once Jar file which contains all the other jars.
When I test my Jar in Eclipse, all works fine but when I integrate my Jar on the IS (\instances\default\packages\my_package\code\jars)
and test the calling from a Java Service call within the Designer I have an error (some Reflection problem) :
Could not initialize class Bdoc.DTO.RepositoryDTOProto$RepositoryDTO
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class Bdoc.DTO.RepositoryDTOProto$RepositoryDTO
I’ve tried another way, asking Maven to create me a Jar + the conventional “dependency-jars” directory.
all copied on the IS. but results is the same.
Could you tell me if I’m missing something ?