Intercept flow services

We have a requirement to intercept some flow services and perform some actions when they are invoked in production env. How can i do that?

Hi Debashis,

How those flow services are getting invoked ? Do you want to perform your actions when those services are getting invoked or after the end of the execution of those services ?



there is currently another thread in porgress dealing with a similar request:

This one already contains suggestions how to solve it, but it is not yet verified.


Are you looking for webMethods service interceptor?

Hi Debashis,

please check the Service Development Help (Chapter “Subscribing to events”) / Developer Users Guide for the Event Manager feature.

By doing so you can register handlers triggered by certain events, i.e. audit logging events, to peform some other actions.


you may look at the implementation of SAG Insight product ( interceptors ) as to how they did