Integration using WeBmethods

Can any one send me step by step approach in integrating 2 system using webMethods Developer .

Have you read the documentation? Run through the tutorials? Your question is really far too general to meaningfully answer.

Hi, Yash.

Rob is right – that’s a pretty broad question! :slight_smile:

Everyone learns differently so approach the Developer as you would approach any new software tool. When you have questions, consult the official product documentation or search the forums for answers.

If you run into issues, chances are fairly good that somebody has faced a similar issue and has posted the question here. The discussion in those threads will help you, too.

Every system is unique, but there are underlying principles to using the webMethods Platform. The collective experience of our group will help you reach your goals, I am certain.

Also, you may want to poke around the webMethods Ezine for in-depth looks at certain aspects of the webMethods Platform. The webMethods Ezine (and the Archives will help your mind start to roll over different applications of the product for your business.

Best of luck.

Hi Yash, the webMethods docs are very good. Here’s my recommended reading:

  1. Intro to Integration - IntroToIntegration.pdf in <install>\doc directory.
  2. IS Developer Guide - ISDeveloperGuide.pdf in <install>\Developer\doc directory
  3. Building integration solutions using Publication - ISBuildingIntegrations.pdf in <install>\Developer\doc\guides

As Rob and Dan have mentioned, the webMethods docs, the Ezine, and this web site will help you figure out webMethods platform and how to design/build solutions.
If you get stuck try searching the forums, or posting your problem/question.

Good Luck!






Can you suggest me the hardware planning document for version 6.01 webMethods, i would use only the EAI components i mean no TN or workflow components will be used in this project.

i need hardware configuration for webM server and webM client machine

webM client machine will host Developer,modeler client,

webm server will hold all the server components

this will be a huge help from all the wmusers gurus!!!

Refer to the Best practice guide of Capacity Planning for webMethods.It has a good documentation to suit once requirement. You can easily estimate the hardware requirement from this.



Yes you are right the document is very good.

i have another question we are planning to have webM 6.01 on solaris box and we would connect from win 2 K machines running on central servers, to these servers we have WYSE(DUMB) terminals which we use to connect to W2k servers where all the applications are hosted,

how do i access webMethods components from my dumb terminal to win2K and finially to Solaris
options available

  1. Telnet
  2. PC anuwhere

what i need inputs on is what is the best way and what is the best approch considering loads factor and applicaions availability factors

thanks again

You can use the remote client concept to achieve this requirement.
You need to install software like Citrix or some other remote access software on Win2K M/c and then access webMethods server on Solaris.


It depends on the platform choose For remote access on win2K PCAnywhere will be more advisable and regarding SUN-OS Telnet or (FTP clients) is preferrable and Exceed preferrable for HP-UX…


Flat file transmitted via FTP. I have a flat file with 32 records on an AS400 that we FTP to the IS FTP port that kicks off a service, and the first step in the service is a convertToValues. Our flat file is fixed length with no record id’s. When saving the pipeline directly after the convertToValues, and then restoring after executing the FTP the 13th record appears to have not completely converted and does not list all of the fields, which then throws all of the subsequent records off.

Has anyone ever experienced this?