We had recently installed an IS 6.1. The server was running fine for three days. Suddenly it has shutdown automatically.
The IS logs do not show any error.Neither does the error log.
But the shutdown is initiated by JVM shutdown hook.Jvm seems to be able to shutdown the server.
Has anyone come across such a situation before?
IS Logs
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0014.0005C] Shutting down server. JVM Shutdown Hook.
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmAdmin: Shutdown service (wm.administrator.repo:centralRepoClose)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmDeployer: Shutdown service (wm.deployer.util:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmOmiIs: Shutdown service (omi.wm.is.pkginit:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmOmiAgent: Shutdown service (wm.ism.agent.pkginit:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmPublic: Shutdown service (pub.ldap:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmFlatFile: Shutdown service (wm.server.ff:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.net.http:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.net.https:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.net.ftp:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.net.email:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.tx:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISC.0063.0013C] Shutdown
2005-09-13 12:33:53 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.schedule:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:54 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.remote:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:54 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.net.sock:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:54 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.net.sslsock:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:54 CEST [ISS.0028.0015C] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.security.revInvoke:shutdown)
2005-09-13 12:33:54 CEST [ISS.0098.0022D] Persistent Trigger Output Dispatcher stopped
2005-09-13 12:33:54 CEST [ISS.0098.0022D] Volatile Trigger Output Dispatcher stopped
2005-09-13 12:33:54 CEST [ISS.0025.0033C] Dispatcher shutdown completed
2005-09-13 12:34:05 CEST [ISS.0014.0006C] Server shutdown completed.
We are having the following configuration
IS 6.1 running on Aix 5.2 Ml 6
JVM 1.4.2
Has anyone come across such a strange behaviour before?
Any help will be very appreciated.
Thanks & Regards